Simone Parisi, ‑24 giorni alla Maratona di New York. Il runner pantesco si sta preparando…

On Monday Pantelleria will greet Simone Parisi leaving to New York
27/10/2019Tomorrow, Monday 28 October at 11am, Pantelleria will give its greetings and, in a sense, its official ‘blessing’ to Simone Parisi who is preparing to leave to run the New York Marathon.
Gianfranco Misuraca, President of ASD Pantelleria Outdoor explains what is going to happen tomorrow
Our newspaper is following Simone Parisi and his adventure with ASD Pantelleria Outdoor since this participation took shape and we are now almost on the eve of the race. ASD Pantelleria Outdoor organized a meeting at Pantelleria Castle to greet Simone and give important information about his trip to the Pantelleria people (panteschi), tomorrow morning, Monday 28 October at 11am.
Gianfranco Misuraca, President of ASD Pantelleria Outdoor, which kicked off and is following this project step by step to bring Pantelleria with Simone to the Big Apple, described us the tomorrow’s event.
“Tomorrow’s event will still be held without ostentation, given the coincidence with the loss of two citizens, so we will not put music out of respect. It is an initiative to officially deliver to Simone the shirt he will wear during the race, with the crest of the Municipality of Pantelleria and, of course, the logo of ASD Pantelleria Outdoor. With the occasion, we will also deliver the Association t‑shirts and caps which, together with Pantelleria products, will be delivered as a souvenir to the Italian community Simone is going to meet in New York at the FIAO.
Tomorrow, I’m explaining how the idea of sending Simone to the New York Marathon was born and how the ASD Pantelleria Outdoor has faced the various steps of a difficult organization, but that in the end gave us the desired satisfactions, so now we can say that there we did it.
Those who want to follow Simone step by step during the 42 km of the Marathon, can do it directly through our Facebook page of the Pantelleria Outdoor ASD which will broadcast live its position in real time or using the application made available by the organization of the New York Marathon (see here) or through the STRAVA app. Just remember that Simone’s race number is 5199 and you can enter it when asked.
At the meeting we invited the sponsors and the Municipal Administration in the persons of the Councilor for Sport, Antonio Gutterez, and the Mayor, Vincenzo Campo, since thanks to them, in addition to Franco Perdichizzi, we were able to make Simone’s participation as runner coincide to that of ‘Ambassador of Pantelleria’ at the Italian Community of New York.
Finally, this will also be an opportunity to invite those who wish to greet Simone when he will be going to leave at the airport on Wednesday, October 30th between 2.30pm and 3.00pm.”

Punto a Capo Onlus è l’editrice di PUNTO A CAPO ONLINE, PUNTO A CAPO SPORT e PANTELLERIA NOTIZIE. La Redazione è nella sede operativa, a Marino (Roma). La Redazione Pantesca si ritrova periodicamente a Pantelleria. La Redazione è aperta anche se non sempre ‘fisicamente’. Infatti, essendo i collaboratori tutti volontari, lavorano quasi sempre da casa.
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